Blackcurrant seed oil

Blackcurrant seed oil is derived from the seeds of Ribes nigrum (black currant, or European currant). It contains an unusually high amount of omega-6 (15-20 percent) as well as a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids (12-14 percent). It also contains linoleic acid as well as 2-4 percent stearidonic acid. There are some indications that black currant seed oil is anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective.[1] In European folk medicine, black currant once had a considerable reputation for controlling diarrhea, promoting urine output (as a diuretic) and reducing arthritic and rheumatic pains.[2] It is primarily used medicinally and as a diet supplement.


  1. ^ "Blackcurrant Seed Oil".  from the PDRHealth Web site
  2. ^ "Black Currant Seed Oil (Ribes nigrum)".  from the World Health Web site